News in Estonia¶
18. oktoober 2021 (Pereraadio): Intervjuu Luc Saffre’ga
12. oktoober 2021 (ERR): Paavst Franciscus algatas arutelu katoliku kiriku tuleviku üle
11. oktoober 2021 ( Piiskopi läkitus Eestimaa katoliiklastele
10. oktoober 2021 ( Paavst avas Sinodi
5. oktoober 2021 ( Eesti osalus algavas Sinodis
Documents issued by the Synod of Bishops¶
- PD¶
The Preparatory Document, a 42-page document that introduces the Synod on Synodality and defines its goals and scope. Published in September 2021 in different languages.
- Vademecum¶
The Vacemecum, a 22-page handbook for the diocesan phase of the synod. Published in September 2021 in different languages.
- Presentation slides¶
A series of presentation slides
- SynDCP¶
- SynDiscerning¶
- SynTools¶
The Suggested tools for reflecting, sharing, and responding to the questions of the Synod
Documents issued by the Vatican¶
- LG¶
Lumen gentium. Dogmatic constitution on the Church. Vatican Council II. (21 November 1964)
- UR¶
Unitatis redintegratio Decree on ecumenism. Vatican Council II. (21 November 1964)
- DV¶
Dei Verbum. Dogmatic constitution on divine revelation. Vatican Council II. (18 November 1965)
- GS¶
Gaudium et spes, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the modern world. Vatican Council II (7 December 1965)
- 1983CIC¶
1983 Code of Canon Law (Codex Iuris Canonici), the current fundamental body of ecclesiastical laws for the Latin Church.
- LF¶
Lumen fidei Encyclical letter of the Holy Father Francis on faith. (29 June 2013)
- EG¶
Evangelii gaudium Apostolic exhortation of the Holy Father Francis on the proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world. (24 November 2013)
- LS¶
Laudato si’ Encyclical letter of the Holy Father Francis on care for our common home. (24 May 2015)
- 20151017¶
Pope Francis, Address at the Ceremony Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Institution of the Synod of Bishops (17 October 2015).
- 20180302¶
Synodality in the life and mission of the Church, a study lead by the ITC and published (2 March 2018)
- EC¶
Episcopalis communio Apostolic constitution of the Holy Father Francis. (15 September 2018)
- FT¶
Fratelli tutti Encyclical letter of the Holy Father Francis on fraternity and social friendship. (3 October 2020)